Odor Control Systems
Carbon filters remove odors, gases, vapors or other airborne chemical contaminants. A system with exhaust fan and carbon filter will more effectively eliminated/redirected.

Odor Control Systems

Our huge selection of Carbon Filters come in various sizes and CFMs and are available paired with an inline duct fan in a fan/filter combo to remove odors and clean the air of airborne pathogens as it exits your grow tent/room/area. Our collection of Pre-Filters help to extend the lifespan and efficiency of carbon filters and Intake, Dust, HEPA Filters ensure the air coming into your grow room is scrubbed of invading particles such as bacteria, dust, bugs, mold, and pollen. Air Boxes are inline carbon filters that you can install to filter out dust, foreign particulates, organic compounds, spores, and odors. Our assortment of Gels, Sprays are designed to neutralize airborne odors. We also carry a number of Other Filters and Ozone, Oxidizers, UV Purifiers.