LED Grow Light Comparison Test Review: Kessil v. California Light Works v. ProSource v. Haight Solid State
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Video Transcript:
"Hey everyone, it's Nate from Growers House and today we're going to be showing you the LED comparison test that we just ran here. We ran a comparison test on some of the most popular LED units in the hydroponics industry including the Kessil H350 90w unit, ProSource Jumbo Illuminator 180w unit, California Light Works SolarFlare 200w Full Cycle unit, and finally the Haight Solid State PPF-800Rv2 180w.
What we did to test these lights against each other was put them over a grow area. That grow area was 3' x 3.' Within that 3' x 3' area, we put a 2' x 2' square, a 1' x 1' square, and a point in the middle. What we really wanted to do was test out what kind of PAR readings or Photosynthetically Active Radiation readings these lights were giving out at different heights above this 3' x 3' footprint. We measured them at 12", 18", and 24" above the footprint.
When we took our readings, we took them at the center, and then these different point on every single square. That ended up giving us quite a few readings that you can see in the infographic pasted below in the comments section. Many people may ask why we didn't test the lumens for these LEDs. That's because lumens are for measuring the intensity of light as visible to the human eye. What we really wanted to measure was the spectrum that plants use to photosynthesize. So that's what the PAR meter did versus measuring something that could be outside of the spectrum that plants use to photosynthesize. So let us jump into the video so you can see how we ran the test with some of these lights.
Okay, now taking a look at this infographic, which you can find a link to below, it seems like the light that came out best was California Light Works SolarFlare 200w Full Cycle unit giving us some of the highest PAR readings out of all of these lights. It also covered a pretty good area, although we did see that once you get up higher that the ProSource and the Haight Solid State did make up a little bit of ground on the California Light Works unit when you're talking about 18" up or 24" up and in those 2' and 3' squares. Another surprise was the Kessil because it's quite a bit lower in wattage than these units, it actually did perform pretty well. So on a watt-per-watt basis, we think the Kessil is also a very strong unit.
All this data is readily available to you in the infographic. Do what you will with these numbers. We realize that some people may be looking for a smaller footprint with their LED versus some people just want the largest footprint with the most coverage. We just want to make this information available so that you can make an informed purchasing decision. This is Nate with GrowersHouse, have a good one."

LED Grow Light Comparison Test Review Infographic
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