LED Grow Lights
Light-emitting diodes can super-power any phase of your growth cycle at a lower cost. Let LED lights grow your plants efficiently. LED grow lamps are the present and the future of indoor horticultural lighting.

LED Grow Lights

LED lights for growing are semiconductors that emit light—the letters are for Light-Emitting Diodes. Most indoor LED lights have hundreds of these surface-mounted components. Different colors come together to achieve the desired color spectrum. LEDs are more versatile than other lamps when used as indoor grow lights: Not only do they consume less power and last longer than more traditional lamps, but they also come in a range of sizes, including smaller lights for compact spaces.

Choose for Price, Performance

GrowersHouse has the largest selection of grow lights from the best-LED manufacturers. All the brands we stock are field-tested and proven to work under the harshest conditions. Check out the GrowersHouse selection of California Light Works LEDs, which are engineered for higher potency when used in greenhouses or indoor gardens. We also offer a huge selection of complete LED tent packages that include everything to start indoor growing.

By selecting from the extensive GrowersHouse stock, you can easily buy LED lights for growing, including the best LED grow lights from Gavita, Fluence, California Light Works, Photobio, Horticulture Lighting Group (HLG), AgroLED, Apache Tech, BIOS, Black Dog, Growers Choice (TSL), GrowLite, Heliospectra, Illumitex, Kessil, KIND LED, Lush Lighting, NextLight, Scynce, Spectrum King, TrolMaster, and more. Check out our Best LED Grow Light Comparison Review Test for third-party laboratory data on efficiency, output, PAR charts, and more.