Bulbs (MH, HPS, CMH)

Bulbs (MH, HPS, CMH)

Hydroponics relies on both HID lighting and the right mix of color spectrums to cover all phases of growth and boost harvests. Bathe your plants with blue-white MH and CMH light during the vegetative phase, and red-orange HPS light during flowering.

HID - High-Intensity Discharge Lights

HID grow light bulbs are sealed tubes filled with gas that create light when the gas is ignited by two electrodes that arc current between them.

MH - Metal Halide

MH grow light bulbs should be used for the vegetative phase as they give off a blue-to-white spectrum

HPS - High Pressure Sodium

HPS has a red or orange tint and is used primarily in the flowering phase of your plant's life.

CMH - Ceramic Metal Halide

CMH grow light lamps are a relatively new source of HID light that is a variation of the traditional Metal Halide HID lamp.

If you're a serious grower, you already know that proper lighting is crucial for the health and growth of your plants. But did you know that High-Intensity Discharge (HID) grow lamps degrade over time and lose their effectiveness? That's why it's important to regularly check and replace your lamps to ensure your plants are getting the best light possible. Don't let a worn-out lamp hold back your grow - invest in a high-quality HID grow lamp and keep an eye on its lifespan to ensure optimal results every time. CALL FOR LARGER ORDERS!!!