Organic Pesticides

Organic Pesticides

100% Organic Foliar Sprays are the best way to defend your crop without compromising the health of your plant and also the end consumer. Most of our organic pest prevention products are OMRI Certified.

Organic Pesticides

For those searching for a safe method for treating and controlling plant pests and fungal diseases, organic pesticides are an extremely effective and safe method for treating and controlling persistent plant pests and fungi. Organic pesticides eliminate the use of antiquated toxic pesticides or insecticides and are derived from renewable plant-based materials. Scientists are discovering more and more plants that produce natural bactericides, fungicides, and insecticides helping to contribute to a safe non-hazardous, and non-toxic environment. Remember not all insects are harmful, applying harsh insecticides indiscriminately can affect even the beneficial insects resulting in a detrimental effect on your garden's ecosystem.


The OMRI, or Organic Materials Review Institute, is a nonprofit organization that provides an independent review of products and supports organic integrity by developing information and guidance about materials so that producers know which products are appropriate for organic operations. OMRI Listed products only use ingredients and formulations that are allowed under the organic standards. OMRI Listed products are approved for use on food and feed crops, ornamentals, home gardens, greenhouse crops, and everywhere else you may have insect issues.

Neem oil

One of the most versatile pest control tools is Neem Oil, which works as a fungicide, a bactericide, and it kills parasitic Nematodes. As an insecticide, Neem Oil kills small soft-bodied insects like Aphids, Mealybugs, Mites, Thrips, and Whiteflies on contact by serving as an anti-feedant and functions as a hormone disruptor and growth regulator of affected insects. Spraying Neem Oil as a knockdown followed by releases of generalist beneficial insects is a good way to minimize pest populations that are already present in the growing area. Neem Oil allows spot treatment to occur with minimal impact on the beneficial insects or the surrounding environment. Neem Oil is found in seeds from the neem tree and is a mixture of components, with Azadirachtin being the most active component for killing and repelling pests. Neem Oil is capable of disrupting the life cycle of insects at all stages (adult, larvae, and egg), and is biodegradable and non-toxic to pets, birds, fish, and other wildlife making it a great resource for the organic gardener; as well as being a natural fungicide that can combat powder mildew and other fungal infections on plants.