Mammoth Gavita G1 Grow Tent Unboxing & Setup
Hey everyone, Nate with GrowersHouse here and today we are showing off another cool new product. The Mammoth Gavita Grow Tent, I've been waiting for awhile for to come out, because I heard about it about six months ago. It is the first tent that's actually designed in concert with a light to make sure that you have the perfect uniformity.
So Mammoth Grow Tents, a company based out of Holland, partnered with Gavita, another company based out of Holland to make this tent for both, a one light system and a two light system. So this works with the Gavita DE 1000 watt or the Gavita DE 650 watt units. Now what I want to do today is unbox the tent, show it off to you guys so you can get a good feel for it. Hang a light up in it.
Okay so lets get started, Im going to show you how to unbox the Mammoth Gavita G1 Grow Tent , how you all the components, and show you that one person hopefully can probably set it up. Here you can see that shiny part, that's the catch tray liner which is the bottom of the tent that's completely waterproof, so even if you have a little leak it'll catch all the water up to about four inches.
Here are the components it comes with, you have your connectors, you have your steel poles, oh I'm sorry those actually are aluminum. Those plastic pieces are high density plastic. I was feeling them, they are really rough, I mean really tough rather, and there's also some straps and hooks, Mainly for hanging miscellaneous things from the top.
I would talk you know, carbon filters maybe other fans or other miscellaneous equipment. There also as you saw earlier, the manual, other small pieces. Here are the hard plastic pieces as you can see these are really tough I mean these are not like plastic pieces that will break I think I'd have to run over them with my car to break them. They are really really sturdy which is good because some other tents of the past have had issues with breaking pieces just because they weren't rugged enough but I don't think that is going to be an issue here. So here I am setting up the tent. I would say the entire process, I wasn't sure how long it'd take me. I've set up quite a few tents in my time. So I kind of wanted to see how easy it was to set up this tent by myself because that is pretty important, and not only the ease but how much time it took. And following the manual, I didn't really have to for me most part, I just used it as a guide. Its just like an erector set pretty easy to put up. I'm a short guy, only 5'7" so had to get a chair to help me out to make sure this eight foot tent got up there. Until you really get those cross brackets up there as you can see I hang from them for a bit up there, once you get those cross brackets up there that is when you really see the rigidity of the tent, and This is probably the hardest part, putting on the outer shell. It just takes a little bit more time, but you know we're talking maybe five minutes it took me to get that thing on. And they don't give a weight rating for the tents but I hung off of it and I'm 145 pounds and it was pretty easily holding me so I think its probably you know hovering around 200 pound capacity from the ceiling.
So other than that some other things I want to touch on the tent that are important for you to know if you are thinking about using it. There's the way they designed the tent, they claim that the tent reflector design synergy actually gives out 20% more light to your canopy versus using a square tent of the same square footage. Now like I said earlier you can use this with a thousand or the 650 Gavita and the G2 tent which this is the G1 Im showing. The G2 is made for two fixtures, and that one you can also use it with two 1000 or two 650. And the ports on the tent, ten inch ports for ventilation if you want I would say most people are going to go with the eight inch or the six inch, and Mammoth also claims that these tents, and theirs are the only tents on the market that essentially have a class A official flammability property test. So this is the first time I've ever heard of something like that so I guess if you're using it to go by state protocol, then this might be the tent for you.
And also as far as dimensions go this one I'm putting together now is 3 feet seven inches by 5 feet 10 inches and then 7 feet 10 inches tall. Where as the Mammoth G2 Tent (for two DE lights) is 5 feet 11 inches wide 7 feet three inches long and 7 feet 10 inches tall. The Thickness of the Mammoth Tent fabric is really really thick, its 600D very similar to a Gorilla Grow tent. There are two doors, three side windows, 95% mylar effectiveness pretty standard. It comes with five carabiners, 6 hooks and two straps to make sure just as other accessories. Another unique feature to the Mammoth Gavita Grow Tents is an included port on the front of tent, this port is for your Gavita Master EL1 Controller to display on the outside of the tent.
So all in all this tent is pretty awesome, I like it because it seems really sturdy. Its pretty well made, I can tell by putting it together compared to some other tents I would say like very on par with the gorilla grow tent. The Gorilla Grow tent does have that height variability, you know I wish the G1 did have some aspects like changing the height but I know that they did make it tall enough so you could get a Gavita complete fixture in there and still grow some really good plants using it within this tent. I'd personally probably recommend going with the Gavita DE 650 watt unit instead of the Gavita Double Ended Complete Light Fixture 1000 watt but I think the 1000W can be done, especially if you keep your plants on the ground instead of like on a table raised up. Other than that, This is Nate from GrowersHouse, if you guys have any questions please give us a call or shoot us an email. That's it, Happy Growing!