Procidic ² is an all-natural bactericide and fungicide that works on contact and systemically to cure powdery mildew. Procidic ² is rapidly absorbed into the plant and moves towards the apex, allowing new tissues to be free of infection and reducing the risk of future bacterial and fungal growth.
Compatible with Biocontrol Programs
Non Synthetic Formula Does Not Cause Stress to Plants
Registered Material for Use in Organic Agriculture (WSDA)
Bactericide and Fungicide in One
Organic Systemic
No Re-entry Interval Required (0-hr REI)
Can be Used up to Day of Harvest
Use on plants grown indoors or in greenhouses or on field plants. Prevents and controls a variety of diseases including Powdery Mildew, Bud Rot and Root Rot.Zero Hour REI - Use Up to Harvest - Organic Friendly
Registered for Organic Use by Washington State Dept of Agriculture
Application Guidelines
- Always conduct a compatibility test prior to mixing with any other fertilizers, surfactants, or pesticides, unless your own, individual previous experience has shown the mixture combination to be non-phytotoxic, physically compatible, and efficacious for your crop under your personal conditions of use
- Observe all directions for use, precautions, use rates, crops and crop sites, dilution ratios, and limitations on Procidic ² label
- Procidic ² is absorbed systemically through the stem, leaves and root system. When disease pressure is present Procidic applications must reach live, green leaves
- Procidic ² is most effective when used at the first sign of disease or as a preventative
- Procidic ² requires quality water free of contaminants and organic matter, a pH of 5.5-6.0 and a low salt concentration
- No re-entry period required (0-hr REI)
- No maximum number of spray applications per growing season
- When disease pressure is high, use higher rate and shorter spray interval
- Do not mix with salt-based or high-alkali reaction products
- Avoid using chlorinated water
- Avoid spraying when rain is expected
- Avoid unnecessary contact with crops after treatment
- May be applied via all common application methods